Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Letters..

Dear Sinuses - You are driving me bat-shit crazy!  I can no longer hear out of my left ear, my head is at a 10 on the "Gonna Explode" scale, and the sneezing and sniffing is is annoying my office neighbors.

Dear Halloween Candy - I'm sorry to do this to you, but you are going in the trash tonight.  Jack will never even know what happened or where you went and that's the way I want it, so keep your fat mouth shut!

Dear Facebook - You have been replaced!  Instagram is my new Home Boy Girl!  I'm sorry, I'm not sorry!

Dear Right Hip - Will you please get my ass back in place soon?  I have a 5K tomorrow and my ass is seriously dragging and it's all your fault!  I ice you, stretch you, rub you and get nothing in return...

Dear Santa - Don't you know Christmas isn't for 2 months?  Why are you having pictures tomorrow?  Please don't be offended when Jack shows up in a black sweater with a skull and crossbones blazing across the middle of his chest... after all you're the asshole that showed up early this year!

Dear Miranda Lambert - I love you!  I want to be your BFF!  I may or may not have a girl crush on you...ok I DO have a girl crush on you!

Dear Jack and Norah - Please cooperate with Santa tomorrow morning!  PLEASE!  This shit costs money so I'd like at least one of you to NOT be screaming in the picture!

Dear Mother Nature - Figure your shit out!  Is it Fall or is it Winter?  This back and forth crap is for the birds (who want to fly south, or is it north?) and don't even get me started on Daylight Savings Time...


  1. I have a girl crush Miranda too. I'll keep my fingers crossed you get one good picture tomorrow!

    1. Thanks girl! Last night completely sealed the deal and confirmed my love for Miranda!

  2. I just got done watching the CMAs online, amd I totally have a girl crush on her too. I would go on about how she lives near me but then I would turn stalkerish and they may go back to this post to prove things....

    1. Girl! Where do you live!? I'm a KS 2 hours from Tulsa!

  3. You are too cute. And I agree Mother Nature can kiss it..

    1. Thanks, Mel! I hate Mother Nature, but I hate Daylight Savings even more. It makes me depressed going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark... Yuck!

  4. Love this!
    -I am going to throw away my son's candy right meow.
    -Santa pics? Already? dannggg girl I would feel the same way you do!

    :) Annie @crazy/simple mama

    1. Yes, Santa Pics! I kind of forgot about them and then realized they were this weekend. I love where we go for te Santa pictures though, they seriously have the BEST Santa I've ever seen!! So I can't or shouldn't complain too much!
