Thursday, January 10, 2013


I've been feeling very unorganized lately when it comes to my blog!  I have so much going on, but alot of it I don't feel is blog worthy - but then I read about someones horrible morning at home with the kids and think "Well, shit! I should have blogged about "x"..."!  My fear is that I'll post dumb shit and ya'll will be like WTF and never come back!  You wouldn't do that, right?  RIGHT?!

Anyway, I guess this is to let ya'll know I'm going to post more and it might not all be great, but at least I'm trying and I'm going to try to VLOG more because for some reason ya'll seem to like it and also it's easier and quicker than typing out a long ass story!

Just to give you a taste and leave you wanting more; here are a couple topics you can expect to see in the near future:
  • A Bull, Not A Bowl
  • ORB Updates - it ain't going so well... :-(
  • Liebster Award Nomination Q&A - Answers via VLOG, just to keep it a little more interesting!
  • Project Ombre Hair - Before and After (help me sweet baby Jesus)
OK!  So I'm going to get my first set of Liebster Questions answered today and posted - that's my goal so check back!



  1. Can't wait to see the ombre! I debated doing this SO many times over the summer but never had the guts. Love the look tho!

  2. Can't wait to see your hair! Don't worry, we'll keep coming back :)

  3. I love your vlogs and dumb shit. I will be back fo sure.

  4. Girl I will always read your blog because I love it!
    Have a fabulous day! Hope your foot is feeling better!

  5. we love to hear from you no matter what! I always have retarded posts and nothing good to say...but I live for comments so I feel like I need to post something! Get to blogging more woman! lol

  6. My life is a whirl wind right now - so don't sweat it... Ombre hair - can't wait.

  7. I feel like I can't write about half of the things in my life either. It's all so boring and dull. But don't u worry your pretty little mind, ill always come back for you ;)

  8. I would much rather hear about real stuff, rather than the "I am perfect. Look at my perfect family." Posts.

    Gag me :)

  9. If only I could somehow translate my rambling thoughts into blog posts, I would be all set. By the time I type everything out, though, half of the stuff I thought of is left out.
