Monday, July 28, 2014

Three Pictures


Day {28} Your Three Favorite Pictures

Favorite Photo Of Your Choice
I chose this photo because it's my People, my Family! The kids are adorable and I look good, duh!

Favorite Photo You Have Taken
I took this photo of Norah Jane last Christmas modeling her Strawberry Hill Kids dress and I've just been in love with it ever since! The dress, her hair, the bear, the tree...perfect!

Favorite Selfie
Y'all know I love me a good selfie every so often 100 times a day, so I just chose one! I like how my lips match my scarf and my Younique 3D Fiber Lashes are OOC! Holla!

I'd love to see your three favorite photos! Use the button above to go link up! 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

An Ode To My Loves


Day {15} Write A Letter To An Inanimate Object

Dear iPhone:
I'm not sure I was really living until I found you! You wake me up in the mornings, you are a constant companion all day long, you keep me up to date with friends and family, you keep me on track with meeting and appointment reminders, you are the last thing I look at right before going to bed at night! You might just be my true, daily BFF and I'm totally ok with that! Ride or Die Bitches!

Dear Shakeology:
Thank you for being released in the new Strawberry flavor, I'm addicted, hardcore! You keep me full and satisfied all morning (and sometimes into the afternoon), you knock my cravings for sweet stuff and you help me GO on the regular.

Dear Makeup:
Without you I wouldn't be as confident as I am. You make me feel pretty, you hide my imperfections, you are saving me a ton of money on lots and lots of plastic surgery (although I'm still debating getting filler in my lips), if I didn't have you I don't know that I would be the woman I am today! For real!

Dear Fitbit:
I'm kind of over you currently! You only count steps and since I'm not running currently, you just make me feel like a loser day after day when I don't hit my goal, even though I'm still working out! Ugh! I'm a few days away from taking you off for awhile; just a warning!

Dear Pillo-Pedic Pillow:
I love you! I really do! Even though I feel like an 80 year old lady using her orthopedic pillow, you allow me to sleep and wake up without feeling stiff or having a headache which is AMAZING!

Dear Hot Tools:
You are the best curling iron I've ever had! You can give me tight curls or beach waves, you get SO hot and make my hair steam, but I wouldn't have it any other way because you make them curls work! My only complaint is that your on/off switch broke after like a month, but luckily it broke in the ON position so I can still use it...for now!

Dear Internet:
Thank You! That is all...

What are some of YOUR favorite inanimate objects?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Finish The Sentence


Day {14} Finish The Sentence

When I open the fridge, I always hope I find... cheese, please! 

My favorite article of clothing is... anything maxi! It can be a maxi dress, a maxi long as it's long and flows, I'm in LOVE!

Last week I was really pissed when... I discovered evening swim lessons are a nightmare! Total nightmare, they are too late in the evening, then the kids are wired for hours making it a late bedtime, resulting in crabby kiddos in the morning!

One thing nobody understands about me is... my obsession love for all things social media!

One thing I don't understand is... what's SO confusing about a 4-way stop?! Let's get our shit together, people!

The world would be a better place if... everyone just chilled the F out! Me included.

If I had a million dollars, I'd... quit my full time job in a hot second! I'm loving being a BEACHBODY Coach, it's so empowering! I love helping others and I love that it pushes me to be better!

If I knew I'd die next week, this week I'd... use that million dollars, get all my friends and family to Mexico and lay on the beach and party like it's 1999.

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be... my lack of patience, with everything!

Something that can always make me happy is... shopping! What, I'm materialistic and have an addictive least I own it!

Something I'll never blog about is... politics. I'm too uninformed and frankly don't give a shit, really.

If I could go anywhere I would go... home, right meow!

If I were an animal I would be a ... a cute, little monkey! I mean, they are the closest to being human, I think!

A job I've always wanted is... a personal stylist or interior decorating!

My idea of a perfect day is... currently is a day alone! Like completely alone, at a spa or whatever! No one to ask me questions, no one to whine at me, no one to tell me that I have laundry to do, nothing! Pure silence is what I crave!

Head on over and link up! I'd love to know what really pissed you off or what you don't understand!?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Note...How Embarrassing


Day {9} Most Embarrassing Story

It was my senior year of high school when The Note was written and shit got cray! So, my BF at the time wrote me a little note one day and somehow I managed to lose said note before I ever even read the damn thing! I honestly wasn't too worried about it, our notes were innocent enough, right? Well unfortunately not this particular note, the only note from him I had ever misplaced...nope, this note mentioned some inappropriate maybe sexual things that kids our age should not have been doing, let alone been written down on paper.

Fast forward to a few days later, I get to school and as I walk through the door a friend ran up to me and handed me a piece of paper; I saw the first line and instantly knew what it was The Note...photocopied! I looked up and literally every single kid in that school had a copy of The Note in their hands reading it, reading it! Ends up, something like 500 copies were made and distributed around the school. Oh em gee, right!? Soon enough rumors were flying about who did it and of course teachers and other staff at the school caught wind of The Note too, nice! I mean, my perfect reputation was now ruined! (insert sarcasm font)

See I was a Mat Maid for the wrestling team and in the end it was 2 freshman wrestlers that had found and photocopied The Note. It became a big to-do because of sexual harassment, whatever, whatever, whatever...I just remember being called to the Vice Principle's office a few days later.  He wanted to explain to me that he boys had admitted what they did, what their punishment was going to be and if I had any questions and was in agreement with the way everything was handled. It was all good, but as he sat there talking to me he had a copy of The Note in his hands and he kept referring to it and reading it as I sat there! Like! In addition to getting suspended for a few days, Coach made those freshman ass-hats run a shit ton of laps as punishment for me!

Speaking of Coach, he topped the embarrassment cherry off by awarding me the No Note Writing award at our annual wrestling banquet a couple months front of everyone! Thanks, Coach but I didn't even write The Damn Note!

What's your most embarrassing story?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Things I Do When I'm Alone


I don't get a whole lot of alone time and even when I am alone, Oscar is still there...just staring at me, like all the time, but when I do get some solo + Oscar time I like to:

As in eat a meal in complete silence; no one asking for a napkin or to pick up their fork that they've dropped for the 10th time, clean up spilled milk, yell at Oscar to stop taking food off of the kid's plates or hear the children fighting over who got the last piece of "x"...

Nap, anyone? No, how about sleeping in? Or better yet, getting in bed at like 7pm! Yeah, I'd gladly do all three in one day...

Law & Order: SVU!
Can y'all say Elliot Stabler? How about Nick Amaro? Marathon me all day long...

Enough said, but in case you don't have kid(s) yet, let me tell you this! Cherish the time you spend alone in your bathroom! Once there is a child, it will never happen again! Wait, check that, it will only happen in the middle of the night, sometimes! You've been warned...

Cyber Stalk!
We all do it, I do it too much period, but when I'm home alone the Cyber Stalking can sometimes go to a whole new level that even impresses, and scares, myself! I know I have a problem!

Chick Flicks!
Nothing better then spending an entire afternoon in silence, just you and your tears and failed dreams...

But First...Lemme Take A Selfie!
We all do it, if you say you don't do it, you're a GD liar! I'm the first to admit I love me a good selfie, but when I'm alone they can get a tad outta control! No, I won't explain further...

Oh my, when I get the chance to workout solo I could just pee myself! I usually try to workout first thing in the AM or over my lunch, but sometimes I have to try to do a quick video in the evening when the kids are running a muck and it drives me mad! I'm screaming "no" the entire time, which can really wear ya out...

So...what do YOU do when you are alone?